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What is Molecular Pathology?

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below to find out more!

¡Haga clic en el vídeo a continuación para obtener más información!

Screening Tests vs Diagnostic Tests?

Welcome to Molecular Medicine for Patients!


The Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP), the AMP Professional Relations Committee, and the AMP Patient Engagement Subcommittee welcome you to Molecular Medicine for Patients.  This website was designed to help patients, their caregivers, and their loved ones to learn about molecular testing and its impact on human health.  We have assembled a library of valuable resources on what molecular testing is, how it is done, and what it means for you.  We have worked closely with other organizations to provide access to their resources as well, making a comprehensive first stop on your journey to learn about the incredible advances in molecular medicine as it relates to cancer, inherited conditions, and infectious diseases.  This website is always growing as we work with new partners to create new resources.  It evolves as the science and discovery of molecular medicine advance.  We recommend you bookmark our homepage and check back often.  We want to make sure this resource is meeting your needs.  If you have suggestions for making it better, please contact us at


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Created: 2020 Last Updated: 3/2023